When to Replace CPAP Replenishables (Sooner Than You’d Think)

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When to Replace CPAP Replenishables (Sooner Than You’d Think)


Remember the days when you were having trouble sleeping? You went to the doctor, who suggested a sleep study to determine whether or not you have sleep apnea. Bingo. Sleep apnea identified. CPAP machine ordered.

After getting used to this new device, you’re suddenly sleeping like never before. You’re well rested. Your spouse isn’t being awakened by your gasps for air. Sleep is good. Life is even better. And it should stay that way, right?

This is why you need to be aware that replenishing your CPAP replenishables can help keep your beauty rest the way it should be. You might question how often things need to be replenished in order to keep your machine, and therefore your sleep, the way it is.

Answer: “Sooner than you think.”

What Needs To Change Every 2-3 Months So Your Sleep Doesn’t

Air Filter

Your air filter should be replaced twice a month. This may seem too often, but not when you think about what the air filter does. The air filter protects you from airborne particles like mold and bacteria. Who wants to be breathing in that stuff while sleeping? Ick. Even if your filter looks like it’s clean, remember that bacteria is not visible to the naked eye. To avoid that gunk in your lungs, be sure to replace your filter every couple of months.


The mask used with CPAP machines usually last three to six months. If cared for, meaning cleaned properly, you’ll be more on the six-month side. But if you find yourself constantly forgetting to do a little maintenance your mask, you should look into getting a replacement mask around the three-month mark.


Tubing should be replaced every three months. Over time, tubing can wear down due to holes and tears, which decrease the pressure of the machine, causing your quality of sleep to lessen. Replacing it often is also good for the sake of sanitation.


The frame, like anything in life, can break down over time. To make sure your frame is the right fit, so you don’t throw a fit over lack of sleep, it should be replaced every three months.

What Needs To Change Every 6 Months So Your Sleep Doesn’t

Water Chamber

Mold. Bacteria. Cracks. All bad things that happen if your water chamber goes unreplaced. To avoid them, your water chamber needs to be replaced twice a year.

Headgear and Chin Strap

Since the mask headgear is being used nightly for your sleeping comfort, it can stretch out and lose its stretchiness. Also, the headgear can collect bacteria from sweat and moisture. Gross. Avoid the crusty sweat and switch out your headgear and chin strap every six months. You’ll be thankful you did.

While CPAP machine maintenance may seem like a hassle, think back to your life before the CPAP machine entered it. Cue flashbacks of sleepless nights. The tossing, the turning, the snoring, the dry mouth, the gasping for air… Say no more. Just plug in a couple of repeating replacement reminders in your phone, and you’re golden. It’s in your best interest to take care of your machine because it sure does take care of you.

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