How CPAP Machines Work

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How CPAP Machines Work


Do you snore at night? Snoring while you sleep is probably harming your overall health during the day, too. Everyone has to breathe, but it turns out that snoring might be evidence that you‘re missing out on sleep.

Respiration happens so naturally that we often forget about it. Especially when we’re asleep, we’re completely unaware of whether we’re breathing well--or snoring. Any breathing obstruction during sleep, due to a number of underlying issues, can and does wreak havoc on our body’s systems. It’s far more than just restlessness. Breathing is a very important aspect of good health that’s often overlooked.

Could My Snoring Be Sleep Apnea?

Apnea frequently disrupts sleeping and can cause very loud snoring. This lack of proper sleep can cause significant mental (depression, hallucinations, and memory problems) and physical (weakened immune system, heart issues, and weight gain) health damage.” - Jason Tung

Snoring isn’t a sign of deep sleep but rather of a narrowed or collapsed nasal or throat area. The type of snoring can be used to help determine which kind of blockage is occurring. Doctors make use of sleep tests to evaluate patients for sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. If you’ve already been diagnosed, then you’re likely familiar with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (or CPAP) machines.

How CPAP Machines Work

Think of it like an inflatable bouncy house… minus all the jumping, screaming children and the general chaos. CPAP machines work while you sleep to increase the air pressure in your throat so that your airway doesn’t collapse when you inhale or exhale. The machine gently blows air into your airway when you inhale. This positive pressure keeps potential collapses from happening, similar to how a blower injects air into an inflatable.

Your physician uses a CPAP machine as part of your overall therapy plan. The relatively simple machines are highly effective as an alternative to invasive solutions. When you can finally breathe well, you can have a good rest.

CPAP machines can also be adjusted for you individually. Doctors compile feedback from you and the device to dial in the correct continuous pressure. This helps keep you comfortable while preventing any obstructions. The goal is a refreshing rest that aids body functions during the day and the night.

Similar to the CPAP is the APAP (Automatic Positive Airway Pressure), which can adjust the air pressure using multiple settings automatically. It’s more comfortable for some to experience varying pressure throughout the night. This is usually an option once data from the CPAP machine is analyzed.

Accessorize, Accessorize

While basic CPAP machines consist of a control system, an air tube, and a mask, many extras can be added for both user comfort and health therapy efficiency. This includes air purifiers and humidifiers, memory cards that track sleep for physician review, and masks that better conform to the contour of the face. The growing market for CPAP machines also includes accessories that make the experience easier and more comfortable.

A CPAP machine can help you put restless sleep to rest forever.

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